Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Merna Nashed
English 3 Ap
February 16,2011

A.“Tracking Convicted Sexual Predators Will Protect Children”
“Tracking Convicted Sexual Predators Will Not Protect Children”

B.Annemarie Knepper, Kim Talman

C.Annemarie Knepper states that these tracking devices help law enforcement protect children from the pedophiles. Knepper also argues that claiming that the tracking devices are “inhuman” is a weak claim compared to the “inhumanity of the crimes that hardcore sex offenders have committed,” saying that if people think that these tracking devices aren’t necessary they are defiantly wrong. On the other hand Kim Talman claims that these tracking devices are only there to help the public stay at peace, but when in reality they don’t really help protect them or their children from harm, and that it would be more effective to get surveillance.
D.Knepper asserts pathos by telling the story of thirteen year old Sara Lunde who was murdered by a registered sex offender, only a few weeks after a girl named Jessica was also murdered. She tells this story also trying to make a point that if he had been wearing the tracking device they would have found him instantly. Telling this story can appeal to the countless people who have come into contact with a sex offender and that wearing the tracking device would also help protect them. Knepper also states ethos when she argues that, “Others say the global tracking device violates the offender's right to privacy—that tracking sex offenders like animals violates their humanity. I say when you rape a young child, you have given up all rights to be treated as anything more than the animal you are.” She brings out that some people say that it’s immoral for these sex offenders to be treated as animals however if pedophiles should act in that manner why shouldn’t we treat them that way. Talman describes logos by stating numerous laws that have been give out to help protect the public Before "Megan's Law" and the Jacob Wetterling Act, there was the National Child Protection ………It required the states to report criminal indictments and convictions to a federal database, enabling agencies … have access to national background checks for the first time...goal of this legislation was a first order of business: getting information about sex offenders into the hands of those with an immediate need for it,….way to protect children.” However though Talman is still not convinced that it’s safer for the public because she states pathos when that it didn’t stop a sex offender from abducting Jessica Lunsford and murdering her. Her point that she’s trying to get across is that sex offenders are sex offenders registered or not and that having meaningful safe guards is better for the community, such as surveillance.

E.Knepper asks a rhetorical question asking “And rehabilitation?” She answers her own question by claiming that sexual predators have something wrong with their brains and that rehabilitation doesn’t always work. This simple question means a lot not only are they sex offenders but the process that they have to go through afterward is a near to impossible task for the offenders and for the judicial system. “They have an incurable illness that can only be contained with constant work and attention through therapy, criminal analysis and an absence of vulnerable children in their presence.” So having the tracking devices makes it a bit easier on law enforcement. Talman uses classification and division to get her point across. Talman first talks about why tracking devices aren’t as effective as other means of surveillance, then she goes on to say how many laws were put together to help protect the public, however even though she agrees that tracking and understanding where all the predators may or may not be she explains how communities should take better care and protect their families. Talman uses classification and division to try to make us understand that she’s not fully against tracking but there are also disadvantages about it.

F.Although Knepper makes an excellent point on stating that tracking devices are helping protect the public and children Talman opens the eyes to many. Talman asserts that a pedophile is a pedophile and we should treat him in such a manner. Putting on tracking devices isn’t protecting people from much harm if the pedophile is not under surveillance or isn’t being watched at all times.

Knepper, AnneMarie. "Tracking Convicted Sexual Predators Will Protect Children." Sexual Violence. Ed. Louise Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Some of your better writing. For Rhetorical question, rather than re-write it, you could easily go into your explanation of why it is effective.


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