Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Andrew Haugland
AP English 3


A. Legalization of Marijuana
B., Dr. Robert L. DuPont, Sourbah Gupta
C. DuPont – against marijuana because of its abuse and what it does.
Goupta – For the legalization against marijuana because of the job opportunities.
D. (con) DuPont brings up how Marijuana (mari) is used as a gateway drug and what happens under the effects, and why it’s the most commonly used drug in the world.
(pro) Goupta speaks of the jobs it will provide and the money it will bring to America, she also uses the fact that bigger crimes happen over the illegal selling of mari.
E. (con) DuPont uses exemplification in the statistical data from how many crimes are associated with the use of mari. Comparison also appears when he discusses the usage of mari in the 70’s versus today.
(pro) Goupta describes how mari will establish jobs if legalized. She uses cause and effect to show how crime and mari usage will change when legalized.
F. While there are obvious moral problems with this topic, I believe legalizing mari will benefit this country. The multiple jobs this can produce out weigh the trouble that could (not “will”) arise. Farmers will have a new product to farm, businesses will have a new product to sell, and there will be less children smoking pot, weed, reefer, red-headed stepchild, Arabian crime… because there will be more control over the drug.

DuPont, Robert. “Why we shouldn’t legalize marijuana” Available,
April 11, 2010

Goupta, Sourbah “pros of legalizing Marijuana” Available,
April 4, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Why use "mari?"

    and there will be less children smoking pot, weed, reefer, red-headed stepchild, Arabian crime… because there will be more control over the drug. - what does this mean?

    Better, but we need to add to your analysis.


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