Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jochebed Ramat REHUGO: Universal Truths - Quotations

Jochebed Ramat

Mr. Soeth

English 3AP

February 10, 2011

REHUGO Analysis: Universal Truths - Aphorisms

A. Aphorisms:
a. "All well-regulated families set apart an hour every morning for tea and bread and butter."

Author: Joseph Addison

b. "In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future." Author:

Alex Haley

B. Meaning:

a. Addison, metaphorically speaking, believes that there should be a certain part of the

day where family can spend time together. He further implies that with the time set aside

for the clan, this increases their chances of growing and bonding as a unit as well as

individually. Addison also implies that the family will have better communication

skills and will be able to have an open relationship between one another. He entails the idea

of family-planned events as a way of spending time together when he says to "set apart an

hour every morning for tea and bread and butter."

b. Haley simply defines family as a way into viewing the ancestral past as well as a path

for future generations. He implies that learning where families' ancestors originated
from can build a stronger "bridge" for the future. Haley instills a sense of pride as he
persuades families to not forget the past.

C. Relevance today:

a. In a recovering economy today, families have become more dysfunctional as work

overcomes the parents' lives in order to not go into debt. Therefore, the relationship between

the child and their parents are not as strong as it used to be in the 20th century. Another

contributing factor to the broken relationship of the family is the high divorce rates. Thus,

Addison's call to action in his quote is to reestablish the foundation of the clan by just spending

at least a certain amount of time together everyday.

b. Presently, younger generations today do not know much about who their ancestors were and

their significance. Therefore, Haley suggests to not forget the past so future generations will

acknowledge their own family history and be proud of who they are.

MLA Citation for Aphorisms:

"Aphorisms about Family." Aphorisms, Quotes and Favorite Sayings. 12 July 2009. Web. 10 Feb.

2011. .

"Alex Haley Quotes." Find the Famous Quotes You Need. Quotations. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.

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