Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Kyle Gheen

Mr. Soeth

Period 2


B. Bernadine Healy “Legalize Marijuna? Obama Was Right to Say No.”

Joe Klein “Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense.”

  1. Joe Klein states his argument in showing that marijuana is a plus for the economy by creating jobs and help boosting the economy. Bernadine Healey emphasizes how Marijuana is just another thing to make civilization irresponsible and that it can lead to a long term side effect.
  2. Klein is for the legalization for marijuana because compared to the subsidies legal now, marijuana seems like an improvement. “Alcohol is more dangerous in a variety of ways, including the tendency of some drunks to get violent.” He also states that using cannabis legally will withdraw on criminal acts. Healy is against the legalization of marijuana because there is hard evidence to prove that it does a number on the human body. “The heart is stressed by marijuana, which for one thing elevates serum triglycerides that bring coronary disease risk. Also, Healy argues that the legalization of marijuana would make the drug highly addictive to those who use it as a safe haven or to just get a kick out of the day.
  3. Klein narrates in the beginning of his article by telling the reader of a fantasy he has on the legalization of marijuana. Not demanding a legal use for all but just for the people “who started on the path of righteousness, marching for civil rights and against the war in Vietnam.” By doing this the author is setting up the readers to read his article and to state his opinions on the topic. He also uses Logos by stating exactly how much money the US spends on drug busts that have to do with marijuana alone. We spend about $150 billion on policing and courts, and 47.5% of all drug arrests are marijuana-related. This shows that if marijuana were to be legal, then tax would not have to go for such a pointless act in jailing for a marijuana user. Healy Exemplifies on the effects of marijuana on the human body throughout her article. She states that marijuana can decrease “attention span, and learning ability now identified in users (including college students) represent lingering drug, withdrawal symptoms, or toxic damage,” and that “heavy drug use is associated with lasting damage.” She also uses cause and effect by showing that if the drug were to go onto the market, the concern for younger adults and adolescent teenagers will go out of the window and will create an even more overly used product than before.
  4. At the age that I am today, I feel that the legalization of marijuana is not of importance to me. But if I were to choose a side, I would have to go with the legalization of marijuana just by the effects it would have on the economy. Money will be flowing into the government, and it will increase jobs. Yeah marijuana may have a huge effect on the bodies of the users but people use it anyways. As do they with alcohol and tobacco. Why not take advantage of the opportunity that is staring at you right in the face?

Klein, Joe. "Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - 2 Apr. 2009. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. .

Healy, Bernadine. "Legalize Marijuana? Obama Was Right to Say No - Heart to Heart (" Health News Articles - US News Health. 4 Feb. 2009. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. .

1 comment:

  1. Klein is for the legalization for marijuana because compared to the subsidies legal now, marijuana seems like an improvement. - does this make sense to you?

    By doing this the author is setting up the readers to read his article and to state his opinions on the topic. - does this analyze anything?


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