Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rayna Chew

Mr. Soeth

English 3 AP

February 16, 2011

REHUGO Analysis - Government

A. “Outreach Organizations Can Decrease Child Trafficking” author: Lisa Tsering

“Outreach Organizations Have a Limited Impact on Child Trafficking” author: Mike Ceaser

B. In the article “Outreach Organizations Can Decrease Child Trafficking” author Lisa Tsering tells the tragic story of Rani, a victim of human trafficking. Tsering believes that organizations such as the Tronie Foundation founded by Rani and her husband help aid the decrease the number of child trafficking cases a year. Opposing that belief in “Outreach Organizations Have a Limited Impact on Child Trafficking” author Mike Ceaser believes that organizations such as Our Youth Foundation do not make as big of an impact as founders would like.

C. Evidence:

a. Although Tsering had not experienced the terrors of human trafficking, she tells the story of Rani, a young girl who was taken from her family when she was seven years old. By using Rani as an example of the terrible effects of human trafficking, Tsering establishes her ethos. She also states statistics given by the Tronie Foundation such as the disturbing fact that “around 14,500 to 17,500 are trafficked within [the United States’] borders.”

b. Ceaser uses pathos when he talks about human trafficking often being an “invisible crime.” He explains that struggling families are often so poor that they take their daughter’s absence as her being in a better off. Ceaser also states that young men would usually pretend to fall in love with girls from poor families, then “sell” them off to brothel owners.

D. Rhetorical Strategies:

a. Tsering’s tone in her article is understanding and sympathetic when she tells Rani’s experience of human trafficking. Her tone informs readers how girls like Rani at seven years old can be taken from their families and thrown into human trafficking. The statement that “modern-day slavery is one of the largest criminal activities in the world, outranked only by drugs and arms-dealing” by the Polaris Project and the Contemporary Slavery Institute is ironic. It is ironic because while everyday drugs and arms-dealing are huge crimes in today’s society, most people do not notice the thousands of young girls being kidnapped and being plunged into human trafficking.

b. Ceaser uses repetition throughout his article about “poor families” and how “poor” young girls are targets for human trafficking in Ecuador. His use of repetition urges his readers to wonder if poor families are simply easier to detach from their families, or because it is easier to sneak away with their daughters. Ceaser’s tone throughout his article is informing and straightforward, which makes his readers take the subject at hand seriously and understand how the effects could be devastating.

E. Although organizations such as the Tronie Foundation, Polaris Project, and Contemporary Slavery Institute will not abolish human trafficking forever and it may not help all those suffering, it can help spread awareness and slowly reduce the number of human trafficking cases.

MLA Citation:

Tsering, Lisa. “Outreach Organizations Can Decrease Child Trafficking.” Human Trafficking. E. Christina Fisanick. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Current Controversies. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Contex. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.

Ceaser, Mike. “Outreach Organizations Have a Limited Impact on Reducing Child Trafficking.” Human Trafficking. Ed. Christina Fisanick. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Current Controversies. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Contex. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Ceaser’s tone throughout his article is informing and straightforward, which makes his readers take the subject at hand seriously and understand how the effects could be devastating. - what does this mean?


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