Wednesday, February 16, 2011

REHUGO - Article Analysis

Christy Brown
English 3AP
February 16, 2011

REHUGO Analysis – Article: Medical Marijuana

A. Article Citations Attached – authors: Jessica Peck Corry and Angela Macdonald

B. Description:

a. In this article, Jessica Peck Corry is proposing the point that medical marijuana is "a viable pain-treatment alternative for those barely surviving on conventional narcotic therapies like the highly addictive morphine, vicodin and oxycodone."

b. In this article, Angela MacDonald is making the proposal that medical marijuana is not a good idea and the media continuously portrays the idea that medical marijuana is helping people when in fact, it is not.

C. Evidence:

a. Ethos: Corry gives credit to her argument by referring to the Colorado Constitution. In the third paragraph, she quotes this constituion which further helps establish and keep her ethos.

b. Pathos: The entire last paragraph, “I am unsure how discriminating against people based on their choice of medical treatment is going to preserve anyone’s peace, health and/or safety. If they want to impose these types of restrictions for people who use medical marijuana then they need to apply to everyone else who takes pharmaceuticals. Otherwise, this bill is nothing but a political attack based in ignorance. After all, it’s common knowledge that plenty of people abuse pharmaceuticals, yet I can walk into an emergency room and get any number of drugs comparable to heroin. Makes sense, right?,” appeals to pathos by means of the rhetorical question, which gets the audience involved, and brings out the audiences emotions via bad experiences.

D. Rhetorical Strategies:

a. Allusion: In paragraphs 2 and 3, the author alludes to the Colorado Constituition when she says "Sadly, six years after the state's voters overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment allowing the use of medical marijuana, there is an intolerable disrespect of the will of the people - and the sick and dying - by those in our government.

Article XVIII, Section 14 of the Colorado Constitution reads: "It shall be an exception from the state's criminal laws for any patient or primary care-giver in lawful possession of a registry identification card to engage or assist in the medical use of marijuana ...."

b. Rhetorical Question: In the last paragraph, MacDonald uses the rhetorical question, “...After all, it’s common knowledge that plenty of people abuse pharmaceuticals, yet I can walk into an emergency room and get any number of drugs comparable to heroin. Makes sense, right?” to get the audience more involved and leave them with something to think about. She is attempting to show how easy it is becoming to receive a prescription to a drug now-a-days, even when many are abusing prescription medication daily.

E. Overall point of the authors: Even though the arguments of these articles are contrasting, the main focus is mutual. The main focus in each of these revolves around the well being of sick patients in the community. Whether they were in an attempt to abolish medical marijuana or continue to prescribe it within hospitals, the authors took into consideration which would save lives and benefit the patients most.

MLA Citations:

Article 1: Corry, Jessica Peck. "The Medical Marijuana Debate: Pro - The Denver Post." Colorado Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Traffic - The Denver Post. 15 July 2007. Web. 16 Feb. 2011. .

Article 2: MacDonald, Angela. "Romer's Anti-medical Marijuana Legislation: A Bunch of Bill Crap - National Drug Policy |" Washington DC News, Washington DC Information, Washington DC Events - | 30 Jan. 2010. Web. 16 Feb. 2011. .

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