Thursday, February 24, 2011

REHUGO Polital Cartoon

Taylor Phan

Mr. Soeth

English 3 AP

February 24, 2011

REHUGO Analysis – Observation: Political Cartoon

A. Cartoon Attached - Artist : Michael DiMotta

B. This cartoon portrays the societal trend of unreasonable adoption cases. DiMotta shows an adoption agency denying a loving couple their adoption request, but in turn granting abusive parents with a child through adoption.

C. The visual displays a couple that registered to adopt a child. The couple is dressed casually as if they were normal people; and the books indicates that the couple is educated and can most likely handle being parents. They have already prepared a neatly put together room with toys for their child which they were going to adopt, but their adoption request was denied. On the other hand, a family who has created an extremely dangerous and unsanitary environment for their children is approved for an adoption. The picture on the bottom portrays abusive parents and terrible role models for their children, as the mother is smoking and drinking many cans of beer. The family on the bottom carries a negative vibe, as the mother seems to be unhappy and the father seems to be angry at a child, holding him precariously in the air. The boy in the air seems to be worried that he is going to abused in some way, it’s obvious that the young man fears his father by his facial expression. Also, they have children running around the house as if they have no control over their children. By showing two different perspectives on both families, it would logical that the neatly kept family should have been accepted on their request for an adoption, but due to unfair adoption cases, adoption agencies approve a couple who are not fit to be parents. This is effective because shows corruption or laziness within adoption agencies as they should be inspecting the homes of the families, making sure that they are fit to become parents and tend to their new child's every need.

D. Many Americans look to adoption as a final resort, because they can not create a child of their own for many different reasons. Some families are prepared in advance for the child they are expecting, but in turn they rejected due to unfair adoption cases. The cartoon is slightly exaggerated, but for the most part is true. Children who are adopted are not always adopted by horrible people, but it is a possibility that their new parents are abusive and a bad example, but for the small percentage of good families being rejected to adopt a child; adoption agencies should have fair cases to provide a good family for them. A child put up for adoption deserves a family who can provide for them, set a good example, and love them.

MLA Citation :

DiMotta, Michael. "Michael J. DiMotta, An Illustration I Did for Instinct Magazine On..." Michael J. DiMotta. 24 Feb. 2011. Web. 24 Feb. 2011.

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